Our online system will allow clients to access accreditation audits (competency assurance) of all their contractors. Our online service will also give our clients access to all Coherent Site Specific documentation and audit/assurance reports for a specific project. Our online system will give contractors and clients access to sample documentation of a basic Health, Safety. Environment management system, toolbox talks, safety checklist and more. Clients and contractors will also have online access to all relevant legislation.
Our registered Safety Agents will develop a design risk assessment for the designer to consider when he designs his final drawings, as per Construction Regulations 2014, should they need assistance.
Every registered company in South Africa must have a Health, Security, Safety and Environmental managing system to manage his business (HSSE). We can assist all companies to develop such a management system tailor-made for that specific company.
We offer clients the opportunity to make use of our site establishment service. We do a baseline risk assessment on site and develop a site establishment layout. We place site offices, storage containers, site facilities (Toilets, Eating Facilities, Locker rooms), hoarding, barricading, relevant safety signage, lockable gates and security on site.
We have licence fall protection plan developers in all industries who can develop a site-specific fall protection plan and rescue procedures for clients and contractors.
All our risk assessors have the training, experience and qualification as defined under the South African Qualifications Authority Act to undertake risk assessments and to develop a site/project specific risk assessments for contractors or clients.
Clients or Department of Labour might request a contractor to have a full-time or part-time safety officer on a site. We offer this service to contractors, should they need a safety officer for a project.
We develop assurance programmes for clients and contractors to enable them to manage their health, safety and environmental systems.
This tool will be available to clients and contractors for a specific project. With this online tool, a client and contractor will have access to all relevant HSSE documentation for a specific site/project.
Our registered Safety Agents will do assurance audits on sites once a month, as per Construction Regulations 2014, should clients need assistance.
Should clients not have the necessary competency as defined under the Construction Regulations 2014, we have registered Safety Agents under the Construction Regulations to assist clients and contractors to deliver there projects safely.
We have competent risk assessors, who can develop a coherent site-specific health and safety files for contractors.
We have trained gas testers who can assist clients and contractors with gas testing. We also have Permit Issuers available to issue permits should contractors or clients have no permit issuer available. Most oil companies, refineries and depots use a permit to work system and we will be able to assist with enforcing this.
It is the responsibility of all employers to develop their employees and to make sure that employees are trained in the work/task they perform for the employer. See our training section for a full list of training we provide to our clients.
We offer this service to clients who have high-risk sites. The duties of these advisors will not only be to keep the sites safe but also to advice, guide and train the employees on site.
We develop company/project specific baseline risk assessments for clients and contractors with safe work procedures for that specific company or project.